The Modified Work Week Committee (Committee) was established as per the Memorandum of Settlement from the 2023 to 2024 bargaining. The Committee includes three members each from the City and the Union. The goal of the Committee is to explore opportunities for a modified work week across the organization. The joint Committee is fairly confident that if employees and managers are willing to be flexible in both their roles and their hours of work, a modified work week could be implemented for the majority of positions. The joint Committee would like to gauge the interest and the willingness to implement the program through this confidential survey.

Modified Work Week Objectives

The joint Committee objective is to ensure costs are contained, there is no impact to overall service levels, and either neutral or enhanced internal and external customer service.

Modified Work Week – 9-Day Fortnight Definition

A 9-day fortnight is a flexible work arrangement where employees work nine days out of every two weeks, instead of the usual ten. This results in an extra day off, every two weeks. It should be noted that in order to provide coverage, the extra day off will vary.

Example: Employees who work a 40-hour work week would be working an additional 54 minutes per day. Employees who work a 35-hour work week would be working an additional 47 minutes per day.

Take the survey by February 26.