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We're planning our 2021 budget and want to know what matters to you!
Guided by Council’s priorities, our annual budget is part of a five-year financial plan that sets out the planned services and initiatives for the next five years, and how the City will pay for them.
Please learn about the draft 2021 budget on our webpage and from the links on this page.
Your input will be considered before Council makes its final budget deliberations in early 2021.
Message from City Council
We’ve focused our draft 2021 budget on getting the basics right – the core municipal services the community relies on. The impact on our taxpayers is always top-of-mind for Council, and that’s never been more important.
We’re staying on track with our responsible and commonsense approach. A modest increase and removal of the parcel tax is coupled with service enhancements that our residents have being asking for.
We work hard to keep taxes as low as possible, while continuing to meet our responsibilities. Following a zero tax increase in 2020, this draft budget strikes the right balance at a time when revenues have dropped and we face a number of rising costs beyond the City’s control.
As always, your input will help inform our decisions throughout the year. We look forward to hearing from you. - Port Coquitlam Mayor and Council
Where Do My Taxes and Levies Go?
This is how your annual City property taxes and levies are applied to a wide variety of important services and programs.
Learn More
For tax impacts, planned enhancements for 2021 and other details, visit our webpage.
Quick poll
Quick Poll
Do you get good value for your tax dollar in Port Coquitlam?
This poll has concluded.